Posted in halloween, holidays, Uncategorized, youtube

An October Update, I guess?

Ayyyy, it would be great if I’d update more, wouldn’t it? But I guess you guys could just watch my YouTube videos. :-p

Anyway. 🙂 Happy Halloween, everyone! Things here are good. Saturday night, we took Abby, Birdy, and our friend Cindy out to some Halloween things!

Trick or treating with the girls!

They’re so adorable. ❤

It was all a good time! The RC Cluster trick or treat event was really awesome. We tried one event but it was RIDICULOUS and we couldn't even progress, so pfft to that. If you're going to sign up to be on a trick or treat tour, maybe a homestead where you have your roleplay school isn't the best idea? I'm just sayin'. So then we went somewhere else and that was much easier. Woo! But ugh, how much did we miss Havenhollow this year??? That is always the thing our whole family does together and I really hate that it wasn't being done this year.

I've been slowing down a bit on the videos this past week. It's not really intentional. I just haven't had much to say. I know, me, queen of the incessant rambling. I don't know. You longtime readers of this blog know that November isn't my best month, and as much as I try to push through, things like blogging and videos and SL in general sometimes don't always get my full attention. But I guess we'll see what happens. I think maybe I also got a little overwhelmed by the wonderful people who watch my videos. I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to watch my videos and reach out to me, but it did get slightly overwhelming for a little bit. I'm so incredibly shy and have such social anxiety, the fact that people wanted to talk to me was so weird in my brain. *laughs* But I have made new friends through my videos, and they have been nice enough to understand that I am just very slow to actually talk to people. Re-opening the Ch'Know group was a good move, I think. I love when I log in and people are actually talking in it.

So…I guess this is my post for October? LOL! I will try very hard to post more in November for those of you who don't really care to watch my videos to see what's going on in my SLife. But I make no promises. ❤

Posted in family fun, halloween

Señora, she’s a sensation!

After a whole day of not seeing each other, most of the family went out last night for a little Halloween fun! First we hit up Halloween Town. It’s pretty cute, although there is not tons to do there if you’re not shopping. But we did hit up the haunted house and the place had several rooms that were dedicated to different scary movies, like Paranormal Activity, The Shining, The Blair Witch Project, and… Beetlejuice!

Jump In the Line

Payton has actually never seen the movie! So we’re definitely putting that on our list for movies to watch with the family.

Before we left Halloween Town, we wanted to get a picture in front of the sign. But for some reason, when it became apparent that we were getting into photo position, this girl decided she needed to be in the photo, too. And also this guy was flying around on a flaming broom. But hey, the more the merrier, right? Just know that the girl hanging from the balloon [which is a freebie there at Halloween Town] and the guy on fire are NOT part of the family.

At Halloween Town

We went to another place afterwards, but for the life of me, I can’t remember the name of it. It was SUPER ridiculously laggy, too. So we decided to head on over to the Linden Halloween tour. I have done it before, but it’s definitely worth a few ridethroughs because there is much to see and it’s all SO well done.

Spooky House

I don’t know when they are going to take it down, if they take it down, but you HAVE to go to it. Just make sure that you do everything the notecard tells you to do, like putting on advanced lighting and using the region light setting, so that you get the best experience. I have not gone through it without doing that so I can’t tell you if it sucks if you don’t. I really should go through just using my normal settings to see what it looks like.

In fact… okay, hang on.


Nope. You need advanced lighting on. The place uses materials and without them on, it doesn’t look as good. If you can’t run advanced lighting, just make sure you use the region’s light setting because in a bright light without materials, you just don’t get the total spooky experience.

Today, I have to finish up our front porch because tomorrow, the trick or treating starts! There are 40 or so homes that have signed up to do it and pretty sure most of them will be way more haunted and stuff than ours. *laughs* But that’s okay, I’m not competing. I just want the kids to get some candy. Speaking of which…I better go get some candy to give out!

Posted in explorations, family fun, family life, halloween

Pumpkin Pickin’!

Tonight, the family headed out for pumpkin pickin’! And I should actually be in bed, so I logged out of SL without getting SLurls for places. Sorry!!

Our first stop was at the Gilmore Farms.

At Gilmore Farms

It was so cute there! We found pumpkins, the girls bobbed for apples, they met a horse, and then they found free baby chicks! Payton wanted one for umm…well, food purposes. But Riley cried and they made a deal that no chicken nuggets would be made as long as Riley cleaned up the poops. Abby asked if she could have one, and I said yes as long as she cleans up after it.

Abby's Baby Chick

After our time at the Gilmore Farms, we headed to a pumpkin patch that we went to last year because they have a LOT of pumpkins of different sizes.

Pumpkin Pickin!

They also had coffee and cocoa out, and Birdy grabbed the BIGGEST coffee. I couldn’t control her!

Birdy LOVES her coffee!

Of course, the Oleander girls wanted the biggest pumpkin in the place. No worries, their daddy would somehow get it home for them!

We love pumpkins!!

Our girls didn’t ask for the biggest… but somewhere along the way, Aldwyn ended up with a pumpkin head. I…I can’t. LOL!


We set out all our pumpkins when we got home. If you go trick or treating this month and stop by our house [more on that later!!], you’ll be able to see all our pumpkins! I also worked on the front porch today because we are going to have candy out for trick or treaters, but we’ll be heading out to our vacation soon and I wanted to have it ready before we left. Saturday is the day, so you know more packing pictures are to come!

But it’s late, so I’m going to bed. ♥

Posted in 365 blog project, Abby, Aldwyn, family, family fun, halloween, holidays, The Oleanders

Day 278 – A Little Sunday Magic

This week was so busy for me! I kept meaning to blog, but well, whatcha gonna do? 🙂

Earlier this afternoon, my sister sent us a message and asked if we wanted to go to Havenhollow tonight. Havenhollow is an interactive neighborhood where you can go trick-or-treating! I was totally down for it, so I made sure to get a costume together. I had some time before we were going to get together, so I threw a picture together.

Day 278 - A Little Sunday Magic

We had SUCH a good time at Havenhollow! I would have gotten some pics but my computer kinda sucks so I had to keep my settings super super low. If you have Lolita on plurk, she posted some great pictures. 🙂 Like this one!

Trick or treating

Trick or treating was super super fun. But the poor kids, Abby and Raven, got tricked a lot! LOL! After Raven got bitten by spiders and a zombie, Takeo said they were just going to Heritage afterwards to get a new son! But we did get some candy, and Floam, and tennis balls.

The cool part is when you take a flashlight and head through the woods to a spoooooky big house! Oh my gosh, running through the woods was CRAZY! We were screaming and laughing so much! And the house is crazy spooky with ghosts and spiders and all kinds of stuff! If you go through, be sure to sit at the vanity in one of the bedrooms!

I don’t know if December is going to let us take Abby out any more, though. I mean, yeah, she got some candy, but she got peed on and her face fell off and she got lost a few times. We’re pretty much the best godfamily ever. Aldwyn was actually way better at keeping track of Abby and Raven than the rest of us were. My sister and I were too busy screaming and running!!

But no matter what, be sure to get to the basement in the spooky house. There are goodies!

It really was just the most awesome evening and I was so so happy to spend it with my family. My cheeks honestly hurt from laughing and smiling so much! This was just what I needed and the perfect way to end the night. ♥

Posted in Aldwyn, costumes, DJing, halloween, holidays, parties, photos


I’m DJing tonight for the Oleanders’ Halloween party. It’s the first party I’ve done in a while, and I’m happy about it. The only thing better is if my husband could come, too, but he’s DJing tonight out in the physical world. Did you all know he’s a real DJ? I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned that before. I keep telling him he needs to do it in SL, too, but he claims he plays mostly old man music. Hey, I like old man music!!

But since he’s not here, we didn’t get a chance to do costumes together like we did last year when we went as sparkly vampires. I wanted to be Little Red Riding Hood but I never did find an outfit I liked. Either they were too ugly or too “sexy.” Or too ugly while attempting to be sexy. So I settled on this adorable Alice In Wonderland costume from Deviance that I’ve had my eye on for a while. Combined with an oldddd Halloween skin from Free Speerit, and some tattoo layer bloody cuts, I feel spooky and cute all at the same time.

It's not exactly Wonderland...

In the field

I’m starting to wonder if I should make my shoes blue. I made them red to match the Heart and Diamond on my apron, but now I’m wondering if that makes it more Dorothy than Alice.

I guess I should get back to work putting the playlist together and digging out my tip board and all that fun stuff. I DJ so rarely, everything always gets lost!

Posted in explorations, halloween, new places, photos

There’s always just so much to see!

Usually my Saturdays are family days and I spend the day with my folks. But on occasion my parents don’t have a great night and we rearrange our plans. Today was one of those days, so I decided to set off and do a little exploring in SL.

I opened the Destination Guide and ended up at the Sherwood Haunted Graveyard. It wasn’t really that scary to me, but it was kind of cool.

Hi skelly!

Yeah, I’m still wearing the same clothes as last night. Shut up.

There was a fridge inside a shack that ate me up and spit me out.

Spit out

And then a skeleton that tried to grab me. I don’t quite get my pose in this picture, because I would think that should a skeleton try to grab me, I’d be trying to run, but whatevs.

Skelly Grab

After I finished up there, I remembered that a while back for a style blog pic, I had gone to The Looking Glass. I had thought it was neat, but never truly looked around. So I spent a great deal of time walking around there today. It’s a neat neat sim to explore!

A bit of an Alice moment.

An Alice Moment

I’m so meant to be on stage!

On the stage

I tumbled down off a wall and ended up here. Pretty!


There was a great landscaping shop there, too, and I think I might need to go back and do a little shopping. I hear they have live music and poetry readings out there sometimes, so I might have to look into that at some point.

I saw some other places in the Destination Guide that I want to check out, but now I think it’s time for lunch and go get out of the house for a bit. 🙂