Posted in Aldwyn, gifts, marketplace, poses, Uncategorized

Pick Me Up!

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m sooo happy the holidays are over! It just feels better to be back into kind of a routine, you know?

One good thing about the holidays, though, is that you get presents sometimes! Aldwyn bought me the AnyPose pose maker thingy that lets you save your poses! I have been wanting this for a while but it was just one of those things that I couldn’t quite justify buying for myself. I am actually HORRIBLE at spending money on myself, in both lives. I wasn’t always, but it’s a struggle now to get me to buy sometimes even the most basic things because I feel like the money could be spent better on someone or something else. It’s actually a pretty bad habit to fall into. I don’t suggest it.

But I have wanted this gadget for a while because sometimes I can’t find the proper pose for either myself, or for posing with others. Aldwyn and I are quite different in size and so most poses don’t really work for us a lot of the time. I have the Avimote pose adjuster, but it just works on me, and I can’t save the pose later. [It’s actually a fabulous little gadget, though. I’ve used it LOTS of times over the past 4+ years.] So my new toy will help me with pictures with others, which can’t be anything but a good thing!

In fact, I already made a pose!

Pick Me Up!

It’s rough. *laughs* In fact, I had to pose Aldwyn twice because at one point I hit a button and he went into some crazy pose and it was just…bad. But then when I posed him again, I COMPLETELY forgot to move his legs at all. So they’re just kinda standing straight. Which kinda works for this pose, but it would look better if he had a little bend to the knee or something. But hey, for a first try, it’s not too bad. I threw it in my super random marketplace store for $1L in case anyone wanted it for whatever reason. I really can’t promise it fits anyone, though. 🙂

I think this thing is supposed to make simple animations, too, but let’s face it. I don’t read instructions. I probably should. Life might be easier if I wasn’t always winging it. *laughs*

Speaking of winging it, it’s time to try to figure out how to make dinner tonight. I have ingredients and I have kind of an idea. We’ll see what happens!

Posted in Aldwyn, games, gifts, holidays, skyrim

I was a fashionista, then I took an arrow in the knee

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Aldwyn was an awesome hubby and got me Skyrim for my gift because he knew I’d been wanting to try it out! Well, that and he couldn’t be around last night or today really, and he wanted to shut me up. I’m pretty sure it’s a little of both.

Now let me preface this by saying that I am NOT a gamer. Seriously am not. Dragon Age is my real game of choice and that’s mostly because I’ve played through so many times, I can enjoy it because I know what to do. I like playing by myself, using cheat codes, and always winning in the end. Plus the story is fantastic and I love Alistair. I did Rift for a time, but I sucked hard at it because I couldn’t cheat and because I don’t really dig playing with other people all the time. I did like the game, but it’s dreadfully hard to solo as you progress and games, for me, are really more of a solo thing because I play games to escape.

So here is my little character. She’s a Nord, because that seemed to be the best looking out of all the females to me.

Skyrim - Not bad, not bad at all

I mean, really. Like I was going to be a reptile or a cat or whatever? Even the elves aren’t cute! I will always want a PRETTY character. But I think the Nords are warriors anyway, which is good for me because I don’t get into magic and junk like that. I just want to kill stuff and look pretty doing it.

The controls have been the hardest thing in the world for me to get used to. In Dragon Age, when I use the WASD keys, A & D turn me and the camera around. It’s a lot like SL in some ways. But in Skyrim, I’m having to use the mouse a LOT to look around and it’s highly annoying. I’m getting used to it, but it hasn’t been easy.

Also not easy? The fact that if I steal something, people come after me!! I’m just trying to stock up on supplies, folks!

Skyrim - Companions

Hmm…should I take this coin purse or leave it?

But the funniest thing to me was when I stole a horse. I would have BOUGHT it but it was 1000 gold and I didn’t have that. So what choice did I have but to steal?

Skyrim - I stole a horse

I got on that horse and ran for my LIFE. But since you can’t fight and be on the horse at the same time, when I got off the horse to kill something, the damn thing wandered off. No loyalty!!!

At least my character is pretty.

Skyrim - I think she's pretty

And MEAN. I can slash people down like nothing else!

Skyrim - She's mean

I killed some bandits and they had a horse, so I got to steal the horse! Riding high now, y’all!

Skyrim - Horse again!

Well, until we jumped and I miscalculated how high the wall was.

Skyrim - It's hard to keep a horse

Sure is hard to keep a horse in this game.

Posted in Aldwyn, countdown, friends, gifts, love, wedding

Day 1 – The final night


I’m quietly excited. Like, so excited that I can’t even actually be that loud about it. Have you ever been like that?

Day 1 - The final night

I seriously have amazing friends. They’ve been sending Aldwyn & me gifts all night, even though we did not expect it at all! We’ve gotten kitchen appliances and things for the house and fun gifts to play with. I’ve been writing the names of people next to the gift so that I remember who sent what and I can send thank you notes later.

We spent a few hours tonight just making sure that everything was right where it needed to be. As long as everyone who needs to be there shows up, we should be golden.

My main worry at this point is that I might be feeling sick tomorrow. I got a flu shot today, and unfortunately that usually makes me feel sick for a couple of days afterwards. I will DRAG myself to the wedding if necessary, but I’m hoping I don’t feel too awful so that I can enjoy it, you know? Of course, I don’t think it’s a huge concern because I’m going to be so happy, that will absolutely override any flu.

I can’t believe tomorrow at this time, I’ll be married. 🙂 I really cannot believe it.

Aldwyn: I’ll see you tomorrow.

Me: I’ll be the one in white.

Aldwyn: And I’ll be the one standing there waiting for you.

Posted in 365 blog project, friends, gifts

Day 262 – Maybe I should make a farm?

Thank you so so so much to everyone for all their sweet comments, plurks, and IMs today. You guys make my heart sing. 🙂

I received a few pretty nice gifts too, and from unexpected people! I also think that people think I need pets, because I received a puppy in a bag, a canary, and a pink pony!


I also got a really pretty moon to sit on, and the Avimote poser thing, which is how I managed to keep my arm from being in my dress in the pic! Awesome!

My lack of sleep is seriously catching up with me, so goodnight!

Posted in 365 blog project, friends, gifts, holidays

Day 45 & Getting Gifts


Me in my dressing room again. I really need to clean up at some point.

I’ve been a little overwhelmed with all the gifts I’ve received in the past few days. In my physical world, gifts are not something that are given a lot. Usually I’m just given money and told to buy what I want. Which is, of course, not a bad thing really. I wouldn’t dare complain.

But…I am a little overwhelmed with the gifts that have been dropped on me lately. I have such incredibly thoughtful friends and many of them know my tastes well. I’ve also received a lot of fun stuff that people have created – poses, furniture, sweaters. And Christmas “cards” with my friends’ pictures on them! Many many of those have landed in my inventory.

And today, a real present landed in my physical world from the lovely Sophia! She knows my tastes so well. It was exceptionally awesome because I think it maybe the only physical world gift I get this Christmas that isn’t just “Here’s some cash.” LMAO

I’ll admit, though. As happy as I am to get the Christmas “cards” from people, I almost always get that little moment of emo when it’s a couples photo. I should have just grabbed one of my single guy friends and forced him into posing with me. LOL Oh well. 🙂

I have much to unpack and sort through tonight! I better get to work.

Posted in fun, furniture, gifts, lucky chair, reviews

A little Tantric action for ya.

I get a little giddy when I get to review something from Belle Belle because I always know I’m going to love it. I had seen the photo for the new Lucky Board gift before I was asked to review it, and I had already planned on stalking the board.

The Tantric Lovin’ gift is so so cute! A pretty little “snowglobe,” it’s the perfect place to relax with somebody special and just get away from it all. So I grabbed my somebody special and forced him into posing with me. [Actually, I think he was making dinner as I moved us all around, but that’s ok.]

Review - Belle Belle - Tantric Lovin

Coming in at 62 prims, it’s filled with pillows and candles and I just love the pretty beadwork around the base. The inside of the globe has very light sparkly particles, so I set us up in a “space” type box along with some super cute stars I stumbled across in my inventory and now can’t stop playing with.

But of course the best thing about the globe is that it’s menu driven, with 4 poses for you and your special someone. When you first click on it, choose the option to Rez Hearts. That will put the poseball hearts outside of the globe so you can easily sit before moving inside.

Review - Belle Belle - Tantric Lovin - Meditate

Review - Belle Belle - Tantric Lovin - Together

Review - Belle Belle - Tantric Lovin - Close

Review - Belle Belle - Tantric Lovin - Entwine

I did get a comment out of that last pose. “Flexible!” Hehe, yes.

While you’re out stalking the Lucky Board at Belle Belle to get this fabulous gift, be sure you also hit up the Midnight Mania board. I think that the Luna set is almost complete, and I know I can’t wait to see what’s coming up next because Leyla is ALWAYS super super generous in her gifting. And if I’m not mistaken, you can still look for the hunt gift from the Discovery Hunt, that amazing BBQ patio set I blogged before.

Have fun stalking the board! Believe me, it’s worth it!

Also shown in this post:

Skin: Kimberly in Natural by Free Speerit
Eyes: Open Ocean by Miriel
Lashes: Diva lashes by Lelutka
Hair: Amber in platinum by Truth
Dress: Sunset Boulevard in purple by Armidi Gisaci
Shoes: Pinup in black by Stiletto Moody

I’ll probably get this wrong, but I think Noel is wearing a Cambridge shirt by Armidi, the winter coat by Alphamale, jeans by WMD, shoes by Soreal, skin by Redgrave, and hair by Naughty Designs. But who’s really looking at the guy anyway, right? 😉

Posted in freebies, gifts, hair, reviews, yay

New Truth!

It’s no big secret that I’m a huge fan of Truth Hawks and his hair designs. I would never have agreed to pose for his store if I wasn’t. Along with being a fab hair designer, and a great clothing artist, he’s also a pretty decent guy who takes a fair amount of ribbing from a bunch of us. 🙂

Truth is also quite tireless in his work and releases new items frequently. [Seriously man, take a break once in a while!] But I’m glad he works like he does, because he keeps us all in awesome new hair! His latest 2 are just cute cute cute for summer!

The Linda

Review - Truth - Linda

A mass of soft flippy waves, this hair is just too cute for words! It’s exactly how I’d want my hair to be, if I could get it to be anything more than straight without the use of multiple styling tools and if I could stand short hair on myself. 🙂 But I just loveeee it! $225L for a pack of colors, and believe me, it’s totally worth it.

The Jess

Review - Truth - Jess

The Jess is a very posh style, sleek and feminine with an edge. I just adore the little bobby pins holding the side. And the best part of this style? It’s FREE. Oh yes, you read that right. FREE. Amazing!! It’s Truth’s appreciation gift to customers and bloggers. Generous!! 😀

Be sure to head out to the store to pick these lovely styles – and many others – up soon!

Also worn in this post:

Skin: Kimberly in Ocean by Free Speerit
Eyes: Open Ocean [standard size] by Miriel
Lashes: Diva lashes by Lelutka
Dress: Aphrodite Cocktail in Faschi Pink by Armidi Gisaci
Lip Piercing: Delicate Fae by Otaku Designs
Poses by Imperial Elegance
Shoes: [cannot be seen] Patent Rose Grapefruit by 50 Flats

Posted in gifts

little lamb

I’m on my way to bed, but I couldn’t resist showing you all this fabulous group gift that Lamb Bellic put out tonight!! It’s called Teased Up, which I don’t quite get the name since it doesn’t really look teased at all, but it’s just soooo pretty!

Lamb group gift

I am DEFINITELY going to have to get this in my color. Love love love. 🙂

It was a wonderful night, and this pretty hair just made it better. 🙂 But now I MUST sleep because tomorrow I’m going to go celebrate my daddy’s 71st birthday. Goodnight, adorables!

Posted in designer showcase network, designers, gifts, yay

Designer Showcase Network

I’ve been meaning to blog about this for the past week, but all the non-picture posts were stressing me out. I cannot WAIT to get my stupid new video card. But for this, I upped my settings a little and prayed not to crash while I took a picture. 🙂 Hopefully a little Orton Effect and a little liquify will mask how badly I’m seeing the world these days. LOL

Do you like my skirt?

Sn@tch skirt from DSN

That skirt came to me last night from Sn@tch, via the newest and most awesome thing in SL, the Designer Showcase Network. Haven’t heard of DSN yet? You are missing OUT!!

Created by the brilliant Rika Watanabe and my good friend [and equally brilliant] Peter Stindberg, the Designer Showcase Network takes us back to a time when designers who chose to give gifts did so generously, and not in desperation to drive traffic to their stores. After all, what good is traffic if no one is buying? I maintain that gifts are truly one of the best marketing tools in SL, if used correctly, not as an attempt to force people into wandering aimlessly around your store searching for a gift they may or may not even like in the end.

DSN is really really simple to use, especially if you’re a subscriber. All you have to do is go to a place with a kiosk and sign up! Oh where can you find a kiosk? Well, you can head right on over to WTFug HQ and go inside. It’s on the wall by the scale and looks like this:

Designer Showcase Network kiosk

[There are also lots of other places to sign up as well, and you can find SLurls to on the DSN website if you didn’t want to visit HQ.]

Like any regular subscription kiosk, just click it. It’ll ask you which channel you want to sign up for to receive gifts. There are 9 channels:

* Female fashion
* Male fashion
* Skins and hair
* Jewelry and Accessories
* Home and Garden
* Gadgets, Vehicles and Weapons
* Animations and Poses
* Business, Tools and Services
* Full avatars

Currently I’m signed up for every channel, but you can choose one, two, or all nine. Just whichever you’re interested in! There isn’t a “Subscribe To All” button that I’m aware of, so just click again when you want to sign up for another channel.

And then? You wait for gifts!

It’s been SO AWESOME to get gifts, both from the designers I know and the ones that are new to me. It’s been great to check out new stores, too! The pretty skirt I’m wearing in the first picture was a gift from Sn@tch, which I think gets overlooked all too often as being just a “punk” store. [Although it did come with pink skully top, which I’m not wearing even though it was cute.] My adorable friends Aisuru, Laleeta, and Lola are also all part of the DSN. You can find a full list of DSN designers on this page.

If you’re a content creator and want to join, it’s very easy! There is a one time fee for your starter kit, which you can buy at the Clever Things store or on Xstreet. There are some rules, but it’s nothing that you probably wouldn’t agree to anyway. 🙂 If you’re interested in having just a subscription kiosk on your land, you can pick that up for free.

I really hope you all subscribe, or join if you’re a creator, because I think this is really just one of the most marvelous things in SL these days. Thank you, Peter and Rika, for putting it together. And huge huge huge thanks to the creators who have been so generous to put out samples of your work. Everytime I get a gift, I am amazed at the talent & creativity that is in Second Life, and I get excited to go see more of your work. You are the ones that keep this world wonderful!