Posted in 365 blog project, academic stuff, destination guide, learning, tours

Day 14 – Surrounded By Sperm!

So finding myself alone tonight, I decided to pop open the destination guide and figure out something to do. The phrase “Testis Tour” caught my attention, so I ran right on over to get with the testis.

There are lots of rules for the Testis Tour, but I complied, even though Sunset is not my WL setting of choice.

Lots of rules

I hopped up on the tour thingy and chose the audio tour. We flew up and off to the testis. There’s a lottt of tubes up in this.

It's tubes

Immediately I realized I was not in any sort of learning mood tonight. It was made worse when I was told that SPERM WAS FLYING BY MY HEAD.

Day 14 - Surrounded By Sperm

That’s what the green stuff is.

But I did learn that sperm don’t swim until they’re starting on their way out. Mostly they’re just floating. That’s cool.

There’s a tour for the ovaries too, but I figure I learned enough tonight.

I will say, though, that it’s nice to find places in SL where you can actually learn something. I think I will probably try to visit more of the academic places because you’re never too old to learn something new, and God knows I could use more education in my brain! Maybe not about sperm, but it might come in handy at a trivia night sometime, right?

Posted in destination guide, explorations, newbies, pictures

Remember the Alamo!

Finally made it! All my blogging/SL responsibilities are over and summer can begin. I was hit with some RL bad stuff last week [which if you follow me on plurk or read my other blog, you know about and I won’t get into here.] but I’m trying to pull myself out of a very dark funk.

So since I didn’t have anything to do yesterday, I decided to check out an Alamo sim that I had seen advertised on SL’s Facebook page. Being from Texas, I’ve been to the Alamo probably 5 or 6 times in my life, and I was interested to see how it would look. Imagine my surprise when I found out it was on a sim owned by the university I went to right after high school!

[Only went one semester, but I still claim it as where I went to school. Shush. :)]

It was pretty well done, and since it’s in the destination guide, of course some newbies were milling around. A girl asked if we could all pose in a picture with her, and never being one to shy away from a camera in SL, I agreed right away.

The Alamo!

Looks like a field trip picture!

One of the funniest things was that the newbie guy in the big sneakers asked the girl in the pirate gown if she’d be his girlfriend in here. My fingers sometimes move before I can stop them, so immediately I replied, “Oh for pete’s sake.” But the girl, bless her, was way more polite than me and told him that she had a boyfriend already, but they could be friends.

I really do love the sims that look like real life places. I know, I know. People always immediately go for the fantasy in Second Life, and I do like that, too. But I think recreating a real world place, and doing it WELL, takes an awful lot of talent. Plus, I’ve always wanted to really travel, and I’m unable to do so, so it’s like getting to travel for free!

I couldn’t resist this picture. I always laugh when I see “Don’t bring drinks in here!” type of signs and always have the urge to fight the power.

But...I just got this drink!

In other news, Bluebonnet is gearing up to go beachy in the next week or so. I was getting bored with my house, so I yanked everything up. But then I decided to terraform since I have so much open space for a while.

Terraformed my name!

Call me! I’ll totally terraform for you, too!

I guess I should dive into my inventory. I haven’t really cleaned it in about 3 months, which means that’s 3 months of events and review copies that are sitting in there. I just passed the 80k mark and well…that’s a little more than nuts, don’t you think?

Posted in destination guide, explorations, kittycats, noobing out

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

So yeah, I totally love my KittycatS. Griffin and Sabine wander around my house and for some reason, I just crack up laughing when one of them asks “What’s that smell?” I can’t figure out what they’re smelling but it makes me laugh.

My friend Bella got a bunch of the Valentine ginger kitties and she offered me two of them! I have a BIG FAT HONKIN’ LOVE of orange and white kitties in real life so the chance to have them in SL is amazing. Looooook!

Lucy & Desi!

Aren’t they just adorable?!

When I was 19, I got a huge orange and white kitten for free. He was gorgeous. He grew up to be an enormous kitty, grouchy to everyone except me, and he was my special baby. In October 2007 he was sleeping outside at my parents’ house when 2 dogs came and attacked him. My mom called me in hysterics and we all raced to the 24 hour vet but it was no use. His leg had been ripped open, a lung punctured, ribs broken. If they could have saved him, he would not have had any quality of life. So we let him go. It was utterly heartbreaking and I still miss him every day of my life. If I could have another kitty, I would choose an orange and white one. Although I love my Holly kitty dearly and she’s beautiful, if there had been an orange and white kitty at the pound that day, that would have been the one that would have come home with me.

But, having orange and white kitties in SL is almost as good. 🙂 Griffin and Sabine don’t mind sharing their bed with Lucy and Desi either.

Welcome, new kitties!

I think I’ll stick with just these four, although I would love love love love love love a pink kitty. If I ever see any for a decent price, I’m totally going to buy it.

When I was doing a restart of the island earlier today, I found myself at a place called The Trap. I love opening up the Destination Guide and just ending up somewhere random.

The Trap!

I’ve done mazes in SL before. It’s usually pretty lame, or I just cam up and find my way out. So when I went in, I didn’t really think much of it. I was just trying to kill a few minutes while the island was coming back online. But this was different! As you walk through, the walls change and move and I have to admit – I got utterly lost! I also made sure not to cam around or outside or anything just to get the full experience. I also broke out the noob run because 1) it makes me laugh, and 2) why not? I was noob running my ass off in there!

Inside The Trap

The textures of each level remind me of old Geocities webpages.

I didn’t finish it because I had other things to do, but I only made it to the 3rd level and it took a while! I suck at mazes!

What I don’t suck at is leaving presents on peoples’ land. Like this lovely scene I made for Ulaa yesterday!

Ulaa's valentine! I do it up big!

I’m awesome. 🙂