Posted in Alpacas, Bluebonnet, Parcel For Rent, Payton

Ain’t No Party Like An Alpaca Party…

Sometimes, you just want to relax in the hot tub.

Ain't No Party Like An Alpaca Party...

And SOMETIMES, little girls named Payton Victoria Oleander invite their alpacas into your hot tub as if they’re trying to make alpaca soup!!

I can’t with her sometimes. *laughs*

In other news… hey, have you ever wanted to live on Bluebonnet? Well guess what? I have a big parcel open!

Bluebonnet Parcel For Rent!

If you’re interested in living near us, IM me and I’ll be happy to show you the parcel and give you more details. 🙂

Now I have to go clean the hot tub… *grumbles*